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AWS Publication Webinar: Peer Review
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CST
Category: Webinar

Register: https://amrms.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuc-qgqjsqHN0PcEeHtktxeGi9HKaTfqZM


AWS Publications Webinar - Peer Review
Join the AWS Publications Committee for a "Peer Review" webinar. The all-star faculty, led by moderator Dr. Libby Weaver, will cover the topics you want to hear!
--Dr. Sophie Dream: Basics of how to peer review
--Dr. Patricia Martinez Quinones: Importance of diversification of the editorial review process
--Dr. Isabella Faris: Formal education opportunities for learning peer review, including AWS-Surgery Peer Review Academy
--Dr. Jennifer Plichta: Tour of editorial manager and tips for climbing the leadership ladder in editorial peer review