2024 - 2025 Executive Committee
Slate for Elections

The Nominating Committee presents the following slate to the membership for 2023-2024.

Executive Committee Requiring Vote:

President: Kandace McGuire, MD (2023 -24)
President-Elect: T. Salewa Oseni, MD (2023 -24)
Vice President: Marion Henry, MD (2023-24)
Secretary: Chantal Reyna, MD (2023 -25)

Positions not requiring a Vote:

Treasurer: Simone Betchen, MD (2022 -24)
DEI Director: Heather Yeo, MD (2022 -24)
Immediate Past President: Marybeth Hughes, MD (2023-24)
Past President: Elizabeth Shaughnessy, MD PhD (2023-24)
Foundation Chair: Nancy Gantt, MD (2023-24)

We will be utilizing the two-thirds vote of voting members present at the AWS Business Meeting on Saturday, October 21 from 1:40 - 2:50 PM Eastern for the election of the slate. Electronic polling will occur to record the voting of those present. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns to [email protected].

Thank you for taking the time to review this slate for membership ratification. We hope to see you at the 2023 AWS Annual Conference in Boston, MA.