SAAS-AWS Resident Research Travel Award
Applications due May 24, 2023
The Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS)-Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) Resident Research Travel Award is a $1000 travel grant supporting attendance of a surgical resident trainee at the SAAS Annual Meeting. The meeting this year will be hosted by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on September 14-15, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Application Requirements:
- Limited to residents (fellows are not eligible to apply)
- Personal statement summarizing applicant’s career goals and reason for applying for this award (400 word maximum).
- CV (must include the applicant's current title, institution, email).
- 2 letters of recommendations, including 1 from applicant’s residency program director. The second letter may be from a mentor or other faculty member, besides the residency program director.
- Statement on your involvement with AWS, including number of years as a AWS member, and meetings attended (required).Statement on your involvement with SAAS, including number of years as a SAAS member, and meetings attended, if applicable. Applicant must be a member of AWS. SAAS membership is encouraged.
- Abstract submission to the SAAS Annual Meeting (including the abstract number).
Apply by May 24
Deadline for applications: May 24, 2023
Notification of award: by July 12, 2023
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