SAAS-AWS Resident Research Travel Award

SAAS-AWS Resident Research Travel Award

Applications due May 24, 2023

The Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS)-Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) Resident Research Travel Award is a $1000 travel grant supporting attendance of a surgical resident trainee at the SAAS Annual Meeting. The meeting this year will be hosted by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine on September 14-15, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Application Requirements:

  1. Limited to residents (fellows are not eligible to apply)
  2. Personal statement summarizing applicant’s career goals and reason for applying for this award (400 word maximum).
  3. CV (must include the applicant's current title, institution, email).
  4. 2 letters of recommendations, including 1 from applicant’s residency program director. The second letter may be from a mentor or other faculty member, besides the residency program director.
  5. Statement on your involvement with AWS, including number of years as a AWS member, and meetings attended (required).Statement on your involvement with SAAS, including number of years as a SAAS member, and meetings attended, if applicable. Applicant must be a member of AWS. SAAS membership is encouraged.
  6. Abstract submission to the SAAS Annual Meeting (including the abstract number).


Apply by May 24
Deadline for applications: May 24, 2023
Notification of award: by July 12, 2023

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